About us We aim at fostering the adoption and regulation of new technologies to promote those financial applications that are most beneficial to society. News&Events Bocconi University 14/09/2022, 17:30 - 15/09/2022, 16:00 Digital Innovation meets Social Science @ Bocconi SAVE THE DATE A two-day series of events bringing together institutional players, technology experts and social scientists to discuss how to make digital innovation in financial services really beneficial for society. 05/05/2022, 00:00 Ecosistemi dell'innovazione e Criptofinanza Editorial published on "Il Sole 24 Ore" on digital tokens and optimal financing of innovation ecosystems. Bocconi University 14/04/2022, 18:30 - 14/04/2022, 19:30 What is the value behind Crypto? Claudio Tebaldi Scientific Director of the Bocconi Algorand Fintech Lab moderates a round table. List of participants: Ilaria Capelli, University of Insubria. Ferdinando M. Ametrano, Crypto Asset Lab of Bicocca University. Leonardo Maria De Rossi, SDA Bocconi School of Management. Bocconi University 22/02/2022, 18:30 - 22/02/2022, 19:30 Introduction to Blockchain: Finance and Business Applications on the Algorand platform An introduction to Algorand Protocol and Algorand Foundation Activities by Massimo Morini and Piergiacomo Palmisani to Bocconi Master in Finance Students. People Image Claudio Tebaldi Scientific Director Associate Professor Bocconi University in Quantitative Methods for Economics Finance and Insurance since 2011, with national qualification for full pr... Image Donato Masciandaro Steering Committe Intesa Sanpaolo Chair in Economics of Financial Regulation and Director Baffi Carefin Research Centre. Donato Masciandaro is Full Professor of Econom... Image Co-Pierre Georg Steering Committe Co-Pierre is an Associate Professor at the University of Cape Town and hold the South African Reserve Bank Research Chair in Financial Stabi... Image Stefano Caselli Steering Committe Stefano Caselli is a Full Professor of Banking and Finance at Bocconi University, where is Dean for International Affairs. He received his Ph.D in Sie... Image Fulvio Ortu Steering Committe Full Professor at the Department of Finance, Bocconi University. Vice Rector and Dean for International Affairs from 2008 to 2012. Dean of Bocconi PhD... Image Anna Battauz Steering Committe Anna holds a degree in mathematics from Udine university and a PhD in financial mathematics from the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. She has been ac... prev next Research Projects Digital Currencies Crypto Financial Markets and Institutions Blockchain, the Economy and the Law Big Data and Machine Learning prev next